Ep #87: Stepping Into A Larger Version Of Yourself


Time to stretch.

Time to grow.

Time to get grateful and uncomfortable, swirl them both together, and step into a larger version of yourself.

Listen and watch as I take you behind the scenes of working with one of my dream clients last week and how becoming friends with imposter syndrome and perfectionist brain tendencies allowed it to happen.

Then, apply the lesson so you can grow into the next evolution of the hero you are meant to be.



➡️ Want to see me put this week’s podcast topic into action for you? Then check out the weekly Storied Coaching Pod Dive. Join me live every Friday as I distill the week’s learnings into actionable tactics you can use on your entrepreneurial hero journey so you can level up your life and your revenue. Go to StoriedCoaching.com/PodDive to get your invite.


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I'm aaron j. jacobs

I play a cast of characters that help me live my Storied Life. I’m a Master Certified Life and Business Coach. I’m the CEO of OMH Creative and Storied Teams where I run a 7-Figure business. I help entrepreneurs and professionals rewrite their stories so they can live the extraordinary life they are meant for.